In formulas for calculated variables there is an additional set of Mathematical functions available:

  1. ABS(n) - Returns the absolute value of N
  2. ACOS(n) - Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.
  3. ACOSH(n) - Returns the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is the specified number.
  4. ASIN(n) - Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.
  5. ASINH(n) - Returns the angle whose hyperbolic sine is the specified number.
  6. ATAN(n) - Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.
  7. ATAN2(n,n) - Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.
  8. ATANH(n) - Returns the angle whose hyperbolic tangent is the specified number.
  9. BIGMUL(n,n) - Produces the full product of two 64-bit numbers.
  10. BITDECREMENT(n) - Returns the next smallest value that compares less than x.
  11. BITINCREMENT(n) - Returns the next largest value that compares greater than x.
  12. CBRT(n) - Returns the cube root of a specified number.
  13. CEILING(n) - Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified decimal number.
  14. CLAMP(n,n,n) - Returns value clamped to the inclusive range of min and max.
  15. COPYSIGN(n,n) - Returns a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y.
  16. COS(n) - Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
  17. COSH(n) - Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.
  18. DIVREM(n,n,n) - Calculates the quotient of two 32-bit signed integers and also returns the remainder in an output parameter.
  19. EXP(n) - Returns e raised to the specified power.
  20. FLOOR(n) - Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified number.
  21. FUSEDMULTIPLYADD(n,n,n) - Returns (x * y) + z, rounded as one ternary operation.
  22. IEEEREMAINDER(n,n) - Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number.
  23. ILOGB(n,n) - Returns the base 2 integer logarithm of a specified number.
  24. LOG(n) - Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number.
  25. LOG10(n) - Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
  26. LOG2(n) - Returns the base 2 logarithm of a specified number.
  27. MAX(n,n) - Returns the larger of two numbers.
  28. MAXMAGNITUDE(n,n) - Returns the larger magnitude of two double-precision floating-point numbers.
  29. MIN(n,n) - Returns the smaller of two numbers.
  30. MINMAGNITUDE(n,n) - Returns the smaller magnitude of two double-precision floating-point numbers.
  31. POW(n,n) - Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.
  32. ROUND(n,n) - Rounds a value to the specified number of fractional digits, and rounds midpoint values to the nearest even number.
  33. SCALEB(n,n) - Returns x * 2^n computed efficiently.
  34. SIGN(n) - Returns an integer that indicates the sign of the numeric value.
  35. SIN(n) - Returns the sine of the specified angle.
  36. SINH(n) - Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.
  37. SQRT(n) - Returns the square root of a specified number.
  38. TAN(n) - Returns the tangent of the specified angle.
  39. TANH(n) - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.
  40. TRUNCATE(n) - Calculates the integral part of a specified decimal number.