The following is an overview of basic functionality that can be used when creating formulas for DataDynamic calculated variables. 

  1. Formulas are case-insensitive.
  2. All variables in your dataset are available for use inside a formula.
  3. All standard arithmitic expressions can be used:
    1.  addition (+),
    2.  substraction (-), 
    3. multiplication (*), 
    4. division (/), 
    5. power (^)
    6. mod (%)
    7. parenthesis '(' and ')'
    8. equals (=)
    9. not equals (<>)
    10. less then (<)
    11. more then (>)
    12. less then/equals to (<=)
    13. greater then/equals to (>=)
    14. binary operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, <<, >>)
    15. Decimal separator is always a dot (.)
    16. Function parameters are always separated by a comma (,)
  4. String literals are surrounded by a double quote (")
  5. Character literals are surrounded by a single quote (')
  6. Special literals are 'True', 'False' and null.
  7. Hexadecimal literals can be specified using the '0x' prefix, so f.e. '0xFF' for value 255
  8. Date literals can be specifed surrounded by '#' in locale format