Easy Filter:

With the Easy filter view you can create filters based on one or more variables in an intuitive way. Select a variable (visible on the left of the screen), and then choose which categories you want to 'filter' (in the lower right corner of the screen). In the example, we want to have people aged between 18 and 39 years old. Click on 'Apply filter' to finish.

Targetgroup Filter:

The target group view lets you use a previously defined target group as a filter for your cases (see how to create target groups here). A list of available target groups is shown. In the example below, there are six previously defined target groups to choose from.

Extended Filter:

With the Extended filter view, more complex filters are possible. Making an extended filter requires some understanding of logical terms. The view is similar to the one used in making target groups.

To add the next element of the definition, click on 'And' (or 'Or') at the bottom of the Target group builder and then select the category of the variable you want to add. When you have finished defining the filter, give it a name and click on 'Apply filter' to finish.

The buttons in the middle (IS, IS NOT, etc.) are used to combine categories, for instance when selecting Q01= 1 AND (countryc= 3). The buttons at the bottom (And, Or) just add this word to the statement ('Clear' of course is used to clear the whole statement).

You can select more than one category by holding down the ctrl key and then selecting all the categories that you want.