Adding variables to a group

To make your variable list in Designer/Editor Mode easier to access, you can group variables together under a group heading. In the example showed in the video, we will group the variables 'Period', 'Country', 'Gender' and Social class' together under the group heading 'Structure variable'. After selecting the variables from the variable list and clicking on 'Add grouping' from the Edit toolbar, you will see the Add grouping screen, which allows you to give the group a heading. To create the group click on ‘Apply group to selected variables’ button and then ‘Done’. 

The screen also shows the groups previously defined. You can also choose one of these groups to add variables to.

Removing a group of variables

Second part of the video is on how to remove an already existing group, which is done by selecting the group on the variable list and clicking on

‘Remove grouping’ button. 

NB: by removing a group, the variables that was in it will be relocated in the variable list again.

You can follow the steps described above by checking the video on our Youtube channel: