Installing DataDynamic Reporter, even with MS Office reporting, is pretty straightforward, the same procedure is valid for trial licenses and any licensed version of DataDynamic.

You can download DataDynamic from here. To be able to work with DataDynamic you need to have setup a IWEB portal (our online platform) and have a valid trial or full license assigned to your username. Go here if you still need to setup the portal or if you want to request a trial license.

After downloading and installing DataDynamic you can log on by clicking on "Connect to IWEB", specifying the portal URL that you have created during setup and then giving your accountname and password.

If you logon to your IWEB portal you can reassign a DataDynamic (trial) license, add new users or buy (additional) licenses.

You can be up and running with DataDynamic in a matter of minutes.