In your Powerpoint template you can add text into textframes by using shortcodes.

Text shortcodes are surrounded by <% %> inside the tag the specification is build up from multiple parts separated by a semi-colon.

The first part can be the reference name of a chart/table or a specific text code. The code can be preceded by a level code followed by a colon. Valid text codes are:

datarequires two additional parameters, the first is the variable name, the second the case number. The shortcode is replaced by the value of the specified variable of the specified case number.
groupcodeThe shortcode is replaced with the current grouping code of the current level. The grouping code is the current code of the variable selected in the "Report grouping variable"
grouptextThe shortcode is replaced with the current grouping description of the current level. The grouping description is the current description belonging to the current category code of the variable selected in the "Report grouping variable"
nIs the total N in the current (filtered) dataset.
filterThe current filter on the dataset
filenameThe filename of the current  dataset
fullfilenameThe path and filename of the current  dataset
scriptAllows you to run script specified as the second parameter
Reference name/export idThe export id of a table or chart of the specified reference name. this is followed by one or more value definitions, a value definition can exist out of 4 parts separated by a pipe character '|'.
1. The first value-part is the definition of the value to retrieve.
2. The second is an optional equation field
3. and 4 (if required) are the counter parts for the equation
4 (or 5) Value to return if equation evaluates to true
5 (or 6) value to return if equation evaulates to false
if the equation evaluates to true and no additional parts are specified then either 1 or 0 is returned.If one additional part is specified it will be returned if the equation is true and an empty string "" is returned if false.

The options for the equation types are:
!=Not equals
>Larger then
<Smaller then
>=Larger then or equal to
<=Smaller then or equal to
><Between (requires two parameters)
<>Outside (requires two parameters)

Value type specifications are build up as follows:
First character indicates value type, followed by a specification if required:
CConstant, the constant value is specified directly behind the 'C'
TRetrieves the table title as the value, no further specification required
FRetrieves the table filter as the value, no further specification required
VRetrieves a cell value from the table, the V is followed either by Square brackets or round brackets.

[y,x{,TYPE}] Retrieves the first value on row Y and column X, if TYPE is specified then the first cell with that calculation type will be retrieved f.e. [4, 8,COUNTC]

(Ylabelcode, Xlabelcode{, TYPE}) retrieves the first value not based on position but on category codes of the questions down the side and across the top. if TYPE is specified then the first cell with that calculation type will be retrieved. f.e. (1,2,COUNTC)