DataDynamic has a wide range of available functions for use in crosstables.

The following is an overview of functions available:

Available for
PCCase percentage column (each column adds up to 100%)
PRCase percentage row (each row adds up to 100%)
PTCase percentage table (the whole table adds up to 100%) 
PCRResponse percentage column, percentage based on responses instead of cases
PRRResponse percentage row, percentage based on responses instead of cases 
PTRResponse percentage table, percentage based on responses instead of cases 
PCUCase percentage column unweighted even if weight variable is selected
PRUCase percentage row unweighted even if weight variable is selected
PTUCase percentage table unweighted even if weight variable is selected
PCRUResponse percentage column unweighted even if weight variable is selected 
PRRUResponse percentage row unweighted even if weight variable is selected 
PTRUResponse percentage table unweighted even if weight variable is selected
COUNTCount responses
COUNTUCount responses unweighted even if weight variable is selected
COUNTCCount cases
COUNTCUCount cases unweighted even if weight variable is selected
MINMinimum value
MAXMaximum value
MEANMean/average value
MEANUMean/average value unweighted
MEDIANMedian value 
RANGERange value
STDDEVStandard deviation
STDDEVUStandard deviation unweighted even if weight variable is selected
VARIANCEUVariance unweighted even if weight variable is selected
SEMEANStandard error mean
SEMEANUStandard error mean unweighted even if weight variable is selected
SUMUSum unweighted even if weight variable is selected
INDEXIndex value
INDEXUIndex value unweighted even if weight variable is selected
GROWTHGrowth % compared previous column
GROWTHUGrowth % compared previous column unweighted even if weight variable is selected
NPSNet Promotor Score, calculated as %(9-10)-%(0-6)
EPSEmployee Promotor Score calculated as %(4-5)-%(1-2)
NPSEURONet Promotor Score, calculated as %(8-10)-%(0-5)
CESCustomer Effort Score, calculated as %(1-2)-%(4-5)
CES5PTNCustomer Effort Score, calculated as %(1-2)-%(4-5)
CES7PTNCustomer Effort Score, calculated as %(1-2)-%(5-7)
CES5PtnAverageCustomer Effort Score average, calculated as MEAN(1-5)
CES7PtnAverageCustomer Effort Score average, calculated as MEAN(1-7)
CSSCustomer Satisfaction score, calculated as MEAN(1-10)
INDEXSCORE5PTNIndex score calculated as MEAN(1=100,2=75,3=50,4=25,5=0)
TENPOINTTen point score, calculated as MEAN(1-10)
ZTESTTwo sample T-Test value
TTESTTwo sample students t-test
SUMPCGroup percentage of specified categories* compared too total.
SUMPCUGroup percentage of specified categories* compared too total unweighted even if weight variable is selected

SUMCOUNTGroup count of specified categories*.
SUMCOUNTUGroup count of specified categories* unweighted even if weight variable is selected

* Categories for group summary functions can specified using a semi-colon separated list of values, each value can be one of the following:

  • Actual category code
  • ** for all categories including system missing and usermissing
  • * for all categories
  • $ for system missing values
  • @ for user missing values
  • .. for ranges, f.e. 1..5 meanin all values between and inclusive 1 and 5 (decimal-numbers included)